


An important part of the project to dramatically expand and improve the Spanish and Portuguese corpora will be to correct the part of speech and lemmatization for the new corpora.

For example, you might see (on successive pages) the Spanish words gorrión (noun), electrica (adj), hip-hop (noun), or reduciéndose (verb) (there would be similar data for Portuguese). You would indicate that gorrión is in fact a noun; that electrica should be the lemma eléctrico, that hip-hop is definitely an Anglicism, and that reduciéndose is actually a form of the lemma reducir. (By the way, if you help with this project, you'll be using an interface in English, although you can enter your notes or comments in Spanish or Portuguese.)

If you think that you might be interested in helping to "crowd source" this data, please enter your name below. (Or let us know if you think that your (advanced) students might be interested; it might make a nice project for them as part of a class that you teach.) You can do as much or as little as you want (even just 5-10 minutes a week would help).

We'll contact you in a few months, but there is absolutely no obligation for you to actually help with the project at that time, if you'd rather not. If you are able to help, though, we'll definitely include you in the list of contributors when the corpora are completed, so that others can see your involvement. Thanks!

Email address
Language Spanish   Portuguese
Native speaker of language above? Yes   No   "It's complicated"
Personal information
1-2 sentences about yourself
(e.g. your university, whether you're a teacher or (graduate) student, etc)

Feel free to use English, Spanish, or Portuguese
Comments (optional)
Feel free to use English, Spanish, or Portuguese
What is 37 + 10? (this is used to block "spam-bots")